Thursday 3 March 2011

First Impressions

<3 and H8 About Oz

Step one to becoming a Surf Bum is moving to a location that has said Surfing, preferably without getting hypothermia well doing so.

Luckily for me, Ann got into Medical school at the University of Sydney (no big deal), Australia thus enabling the start of the Surf Bum journey.

Firstly, I have to say, I don't understand why you Canadians who do not participate in winter sports, live in Canada. Seriously. Why would you deal with frozen cars, high heating bills, and winter tires when there are places like Australia? Our apartment doesn't even have a heater never mind insulation.
You Canadians that do participate in winter sports, particularly downhill skiing...I hate you (you know who you are and why ;) ).

So far the things I love about Australia are:

#1 No Pennies! Man oh man do I hate change and the loss of the stupid ass penny is like a dream come true. If they get rid of the nickel and dime I'm never leaving (also no quarters, but I do dislike the huge 50 cent coins).

#2 Bacon! Australian bacon which I believe is called rasher bacon is the beautiful love child of Canadian and American bacon. Its is delicious. However, I don't like Australian eggs..I find the yolks too yolky. Thus I'm slowly going back to scrambled and omelette's. I hope to its an acquired tasty or that its just the free run eggs that Ann buys (in which case cage up those chickens ;) ) as I miss eggs Benedict and over-easy. (Edit: Due to missing bacon picture I have added new withCanadian bacon on left American on top and Aussie (UK/Irish) on bottom right). Also Eggs are great, must have been a bad Omega 3 Batch)

#3 Great Transit and Car shares. I joined the GoGet car share and love it. They have small cars and station wagons and vans all within a few blocks of any location. So if your buying a surf board or moving house it is cheap and easy to grab a car/Van and go, without having to pay for insurance, gas (which is expensive) or maintenance.

#4 Great Coffee..and almost no Starbucks.

#5 Tipping is not expected...nice to only have to tip on good service rather then feeling forced into it.

#6 Weather and Beaches. OMG everyday feels like a vacation when you can just go the the beach (well I guess with no job technically everyday is a vacation :) )


#1 Why the hell does everybody in Sydney Smoke. What is this Jr high?

#2 Bugs. Huge Spider webs are fricken cool, huge spiders are not. Also Cockroaches..ewh. But its good incentive to keep the house clean, and if surfing gets in the way of that I can get a sweet Pet lizard to run around and take care of them

#3 Hanging clothes to dry...Personally prefer the dryer as clothes are fluffier after. Speaking of dryers Australian hand dryers in bathrooms suck...except the few places that have the Dyson one..that thing rocks.

#4 Also It is too hilly/sudden dead ends and too much traffic for me to use my Longoard to get around. But trying to Longboard with a surf board would be impossible anyway..Thus got a single speed to get around/to the beach on and am in the process of attaching surfboard to said single speed.