Saturday 19 January 2013

Reality is Skiing

Last February (2012) went back to Canada for the first time since moving to OZ.

Reason being that I needed to move a new renter into my condo...However the 'real' reason was to get in some much needed Skiing. We really lucked out on snow, and due to a slight oversight on my route choice at Sunshine I also lucked into a Catskiing spot (Sorry again John).

Castle Mountain had received no new snow for the entire month of January, but as we drove further and further back into the Valley it starting dumping and did not let up all day.

Of course with Cat skiing comes a photographer to capture the memories, which was great because it was an epic day. 

Sadly the last day of skiing at Kicking Horse I yet again broke the heel piece of my alpine touring bindings. Which were the skis I was going to bring back to Australia with the plan to ski NZ and JPN. Luckily I had the Liberties as back up so I could do the Lost Pole Line.

Anyway, back the the point of this blog. The Photographer for the catski trip left at lunch to edit the photos, Not that Ben or Mine needed any editing. 

After a 20 hour trip back to OZ, I decided in my jet lagged induced state to try and swap housings on my BlackBerry Torch as it had a few scuffs. Frustration lead to some minor bashing, which lead to a now and still currently none functional phone (LCD very very bent).
This is fine as I have been secretly wanting an excuse to buy a Blackberry 9900 to tide me over until BBX (BB10 arrives). One of the cool features I discovered on the 9900 is wikitude, and augmented reality. With it you can see in real time people and places around you, For example, what the person next door just tweeted or how far and in what direction the nearest pub is (not that your ever far from one in Sydney).
There is even an Augmented reality Game, where it plots virtual Aliens though out the city around you, and you have to get to the Aliens before the Monster who is chasing you catches you! Crazy.

Another thought on reality. Remember the days of airbrushing, where photographers and editors had to actually physically paint photos to hide blemishes. 
Now with photoshop any loser can make almost anything possible. 

Now with BlackBerry 10 there is the new TimeShift camera, allowing you to instantly create photos on moments that never really existed. For example in a group photo is someone blinks, you can edit just that person and "shift time" until their eyes were open, keeping everyone else the same and creating the 'perfect photo" no photoshop or airbrushing required.

BlackBerry 10!

So 10 days to go to the Launch of BlackBerry 10, and I have to say I'm pretty excited!
As seen in this image from, RIM is
launching both a full touch and a Qwerty Device, with 4 more devices to follow in 2013, all with the new QNX base OS. These new devices and new OS will make or break RIM and I betting on the former.

RIM stock dropped to an all time low in September at $6.10, much lower then the value of the company in Patents and Buildings/Property alone, know as "tangible  book value". Basically, suggesting to me, it was a risk free investment. And I'm glad I jumped onto the Investor train. I believe in BlackBerry 10 (#BB10Believe) and 10 days before launch it looks like the market is starting to believe as well, with the stock currently at $15.71.

One hang up everyone has about smartphones (or superphones) is Apps. Honestly, Apps were more of a Band-aid to make up for mobile phones poor internet performance. I have never needed a App on my desktop, and the Apps I have downloaded for Windows8 have really done nothing for me. BB10 internet browser is currently better then ANY browser, including the one on your desktop. However, to get past this "Apps" hangup BlackBerry has made it as easy as possibly for developers to make, or port, Apps to BlackBerry 10, and as such is launching with 80,000+ apps, this is verses Windows Phone 8 which launched with 8,000!

Now this number tells me there are going to be a lot of Crappy Apps out there. And to ensure this I made my own. That's right, thanks to BlackBerry App Generator my Blog, Tumblr and Flickr will be available as a downloadable App in BlackBerry App world. I was even able to add ads to my App. So potentially, if my Blog had, or develops, a following of more then 5 people (Thanks Mom, Dad, Brenda, Sean and Ann ;) ) I could make some money.

Until then I'll have to stick to making money on RIM stock, which I will likely spend on buying a New BB10 Smart phone.