Wednesday 6 April 2011

Jobs and Taxes

So since I haven't been sponsored as a professional surfer and
no deceased king's nephews have needed my help to get their
money out of the country have contacted me lately,
I have to start looking for a job.
I know, boo death of the surf bum life style before it even started.

I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do.
Mostly I wanna work 10 hours a week at something awesome with some cool people and make $40,000 a year. I think that would be pretty good, leave lots of time for surfing, working out, house work, ski trips and let me meet some cool people.
To this end I have been looking at Motorbike shops, bike stores, Surf Magazines etc... seeing if they have any part time openings. Went to a local Bike shop to buy some parts and they also had a job opening.
But they were so miss informed and unfriendly/unhelpful that I decided against applying (It was sausage party as well, lame).

Thus, I have all but given up on the dream part time job, and instead started looking for jobs in my 'Field'. Blah. The good thing is there seems to be lots of openings in Biotech/Sales here, and the pay seems great (and not just because I've been a student for 11 years and anything would be great).

Problem is, I need to become a permanent resident to be considered for them (not that thats a huge problem as it was going to happen eventually).

So, to become a permanent resident I can either:
Option #1 try and get in is as a skilled person or such and such. Since I have a PhD and 'superior' English skills and am 'young' enough this shouldn't be too difficult. BUT it costs $10,000!
Option #2 is for one of these companies to sponsor me. Which might be a little cheaper, and defiantly easier to get approved, BUT I was told I will be stuck at that company for 4 years and if I hate it, tough.

Happens to be my high school football number,
and shows my mad skillz
Anyway, deciding not to worry about it yet. I applied to 5 companies today, hopefully one of these companies will hire me with the promise that I will be a permanent resident, so that I can get enough money, to apply to become a permanent resident, bit of a catch 22.

I also applied for one long shot company to work in Ski tourism. My resume doesn't really fit but maybe my love for skiing, and my Ski tourism experience ( Thanks to Stacey ;) ) will be enough to get me in.
If so I'm making YOU my customers so save up!

I was half hoping to hold out on getting a real job until after 30, as I feel that's a pretty decent accomplishment, but its only been an hour and I'm all ready getting calls back on these applications so I may be SOL.

Any way the point it this all got me thinking about Money and Taxes.

Crazy at 30 (or 29.998) for the first time to be

really thinking about taxes. I was talking to some friends a while ago about wages. A friend, M and I had agreed that 100,000 was our 'goal', or wages we though were good. When I thought about that 100,000 wage though I never thought about TAXES.
So I started looking into it. and for me to take home 100,000 in Sydney or Alberta (Taxes are actually fairly close as far as I can tell so far without taking into account deductions pension etc) I'd have to make 140,000. That is a lot of money! 100,000 would net approx 75,000, and 80,000 would net 62,000.WOW that's a lot of tax. Makes me appreciate all these years of tax free living. The other negative is that all my thousands of dollars of tuition credits can't be used here. Boo.

Thats my Rant for this week. I think next weeks Rant might be about Internet theft, being that 70% of above images were 'stolen'.